- class map2loop.project.Project(loopdata_state: str = '', verbose_level: VerboseLevel = VerboseLevel.ALL, project_path: str = '.\\m2l_data', overwrite: str = 'check', model_engine: str = 'loopstructural', working_projection=None, geology_filename: str = '', fault_filename: str = '', fold_filename: str = '', structure_filename: str = '', dtm_filename: str = '', mindep_filename: str = '', section_filenames: str = '', drillhole_filename: str = '', dtb_grid_filename: str = '', cover_map_filename: str = '', metadata_filename: str = '', loop_project_filename: str = '', **kwargs)
A high level object implementation of the map2loop workflow.
- check_overwrite()
Function to confirm user wants to overwrite previous calculations
- remove_directory_and_wait(directory: str = '')
Function to remove a specified directory and wait until it is completely gone. Note potential hang state if os cannot release directory
- directory: str, optional
The path to remove and confirm it is removed. Defaults to “”.
- run()
The main map2loop process for reading, converting, reprojecting and interpolating map data into event, observation and relationship data suitable for further processing
- setup_matplotlib()
Sets the backend of matplotlib by preference of permissive to restrictive licences
- update_config(overwrite=None, bbox_3d=None, dtm_crs: str = 'EPSG:4326', step_out: float = 0.1, clut_path='', model_engine='', run_flags={}, **kwargs)
Updates the project variables in the config structure needed for the map2loop process to run
- overwrite: string/None, deprecated
Old flag to indicate whether to overwrite the output directory
- loop_project_filename: string, optional
The filename of the loop project file to export to
- bbox_3d: tuple/None, optional
The bounding box of the region to apply map2loop to. Defaults to limits of geology_filename data if not specified
- dtm_crs: string, optional
The projection of the digital terrain map. Defaults to ‘EPSG:4326’ (WGS84 Lat/Long)
- step_out: float, optional
A buffer area in degrees to expand the digital terrain map to ensure coverage of region of interest. Default is 0.1
- quiet: string, optional, deprecated
A string to indicate the level of display and printed output (‘None’ to quiet nothing, ‘all’ to quiet everything, ‘no-figures’ to disable plots and allow text output. Defaults to ‘None’)
- clut_path: string, optional
The path to a custom map colouring lookup file (crs formatted with columns for formation and colour string)
- model_engine: string, optional
String to re-define the output format and map2loop process. Overrides the Project init function setting
- run_flags: dict, optional
Additional dictionary options to use such as decimates and fault length limits see
- update_loop_project_file()
A function to convert multiple csv and map2loop output files into a single loop project file