
class map2loop.project.Project(loopdata_state: str = '', verbose_level: VerboseLevel = VerboseLevel.ALL, project_path: str = '.\\m2l_data', overwrite: str = 'check', model_engine: str = 'loopstructural', working_projection=None, geology_filename: str = '', fault_filename: str = '', fold_filename: str = '', structure_filename: str = '', dtm_filename: str = '', mindep_filename: str = '', section_filenames: str = '', drillhole_filename: str = '', dtb_grid_filename: str = '', cover_map_filename: str = '', metadata_filename: str = '', loop_project_filename: str = '', **kwargs)

A high level object implementation of the map2loop workflow.


Function to confirm user wants to overwrite previous calculations

remove_directory_and_wait(directory: str = '')

Function to remove a specified directory and wait until it is completely gone. Note potential hang state if os cannot release directory


directory: str, optional

The path to remove and confirm it is removed. Defaults to “”.


The main map2loop process for reading, converting, reprojecting and interpolating map data into event, observation and relationship data suitable for further processing


Sets the backend of matplotlib by preference of permissive to restrictive licences

update_config(overwrite=None, bbox_3d=None, dtm_crs: str = 'EPSG:4326', step_out: float = 0.1, clut_path='', model_engine='', run_flags={}, **kwargs)

Updates the project variables in the config structure needed for the map2loop process to run


overwrite: string/None, deprecated

Old flag to indicate whether to overwrite the output directory

loop_project_filename: string, optional

The filename of the loop project file to export to

bbox_3d: tuple/None, optional

The bounding box of the region to apply map2loop to. Defaults to limits of geology_filename data if not specified

dtm_crs: string, optional

The projection of the digital terrain map. Defaults to ‘EPSG:4326’ (WGS84 Lat/Long)

step_out: float, optional

A buffer area in degrees to expand the digital terrain map to ensure coverage of region of interest. Default is 0.1

quiet: string, optional, deprecated

A string to indicate the level of display and printed output (‘None’ to quiet nothing, ‘all’ to quiet everything, ‘no-figures’ to disable plots and allow text output. Defaults to ‘None’)

clut_path: string, optional

The path to a custom map colouring lookup file (crs formatted with columns for formation and colour string)

model_engine: string, optional

String to re-define the output format and map2loop process. Overrides the Project init function setting

run_flags: dict, optional

Additional dictionary options to use such as decimates and fault length limits see


A function to convert multiple csv and map2loop output files into a single loop project file

update_workflow(model_engine: str)

Set unique run flags depending on model engine to tailor outputs.


model_engine: string

The program or output type for the project to aim for